Difference between translation and transcreation
08. november 2020 kl. 07:33
The content or content on the website is written in order for the website visitors to do some action according to the specified purpose, whether it is buying products or services, but to make the content on the website pleasing to the readers or customers. Hope is another issue that many people are interested in.

For this reason, many business organizations have hired professionals in content writing and translation services such as TIS Translation Center to create content. Arrange speech language phrases to suit the target group of business Professional service providers endeavor to understand the needs of employers and prospects, in an effort to create and / or translate scatting content with regard to language level Mood & Tone in mind. And other important points In order for the content or Content that appears on the website to achieve the stated business objectives.

"Language Translation or Document Translation" covers many services. Language issues at the same time But when it comes to marketing perspective, it often means translating content to expand the market to overseas prospects. Whereas the document translation is not limited to the translation of documents in the form of brochures. Or print media only But it also means translating all types of content, whether online or offline, into another destination language.

Transcreation It occurs when a translator uses their own ideas to create. Complement or add, add, reduce, cut out some of the original content of the original document so that the resulting translation is outstanding and refined that it can grab the reader's attention to make an impression on the product or service presented.

Transcreation translation It is often used for translating product names. The translation of advertising content, slogan and tagline, which is often related to specific brand marketing.

A translator who can translate work like this is called Transcreators Always have amazing skills and creativity As well as being well-versed in the science and art of choosing creative words or sentences that make the reader impressed. It can be achieved through brainstorming or by working together with two or more translators to produce outstanding content. Read and resonate with the target audience the most.

Generally A translator is a person who translates or transmits content from one language to another where the meaning of the destination language is the most similar or closest to the original language, including Mood & Tone content, word and sentence choice styles. This kind of document translation is a language translation that conveys both the content, idioms, humor, phrases, slang, and cultural issues in order to satisfy the target audience in another language. The translation generally maintains the format of the content without altering or modifying the original content, as traditional translation. Transcreation Typical translation covers a variety of areas, including website content translation. Descriptions of products or services, brochures, publications Social media content such as Facebook, Twitter, as well as video content such as YouTube.

How are the two types of translations the same?
Both general translation and creative translation involve the use of skills, knowledge, expertise as well as creativity. But the marketing content translation is often more creative. Because the purpose of translation is to attract the target readers to be interested in your product or service. Or to incentivize a product purchase Or as a means of building a brand, loyalty or loyalty to a particular brand Which includes telling it to others as well

Both types of translation are performed by

A translator who has a good knowledge of both the source and destination languages ​​on the topic of their expertise.
A culturally savvy translator who understands the concept or content hidden in the original and can effectively transmit or translate it into the destination language.
A translator who is skilled in writing and composing translations. In addition to normal translation skills
A translator who is creative in being able to interpret and convey the brand identity.
But generally speaking, transcreators That is often experienced Higher knowledge and expertise than a general translator And have higher responsibility for the output of the translation They are also free to create translations for the destination language they translate to their target audience.

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Difference between translation and transcreation ritcha 207 08. november 2020 kl. 07:33



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